Friday, December 27, 2013

Round-up of Hand-made Christmas Gifts

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I hope all of my readers had an amazing holiday, filled with family and friends! 

I thought it would be fun to do a "round-up" of Christmas gifts I gave this year, that were hand-made. Some I blogged about and others I didn't, but all were fun to do and well-received.

I'll start with the felt food I gave my 2 year-old. He immediately began pretending to eat the fries, haha! 

Next is a set of Disney-inspired hair clips that I made for my niece. Each one was hand-cut, and hand-sewn. They have a felt-lined clip in the back and can be worn on the headband as well.

This is a hat I embellished for my nephew. It is hand-sewn and the appliqué was pieced together with fleece scraps.

Here is my seat belt pillow, upcycled from my son's outgrown Snuggie blanket. He really liked it.

I had such a good time embroidering this hoop art for the babies' play room, after my 14 year-old claimed my original decoration for them.

I bought my talented husband a nice set of brushes, but decided he needed a brush roll for them. Here is how it came out—I just used felt and a t-shirt scrap.

Last is a gift I gave my husband. Simple embroidery in my hand-writing and a drawing by me, framed. He loved it.

Hopefully, I didn't leave anything out.  I loved giving hand-made gifts and may try to incorporate them more in the coming new year.

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