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Sunday, January 5, 2014

Thrifty Recipe: Chicken Noodle Soup

I haven't posted a thrifty recipe in a while and as I was making up a batch of homemade chicken noodle soup today, I thought it would be a good post.

All you need is:

Chicken broth (and water to fill the pot)
Egg Noodles (amount depends on how noodle-y you like your soup)
Cooked, chopped chicken (2 breasts is usually enough)
Carrots (some like celery as well)
Spices (garlic powder, onion powder, thyme, salt and pepper)

That's it!

Bring a pot of chicken broth and water to a boil. Add spices to taste. Add chopped carrots (and celery or whatever other veggies you like). Boil 15 minutes.

Add egg noodles and boil according to package directions. Add chopped, cooked chicken in the last minute of cooking and turn off the heat. Done! 

Price breakdown for at least 8 servings (as always I don't include basic staples like spices in this):

Chicken broth: (I usually have my own in the freezer, but a large box of chicken broth is $2.50)
Chicken: a 4 pack of breasts was $6, so $3
Egg noodles: I usually use half the package 50 cents
Carrots: half a package 75 cents

Total: $6.75 or 84 cents per serving!

This is a delicious recipe that really hits the spot on cold days, but if you have any sickies in your house, it is out of this world! (Hint: I usually add 1/2 teaspoon of diced, canned jalapeƱo when I add my spices. Not only is the flavor great, it helps open the sinuses. I freeze the remainder of the can in a plastic dish and always have it available for future cooking.) Enjoy!

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